Expand your horizon.


The Program

This concentration is designed and led by Founding Director Gabo Arora along with the industry’s award-winning creative pioneers. Its mission is to utilize and contextualize dominant emerging technologies—including virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence—for artistic expression and social impact.

The Faculty, Artists in Residence, Research Fellows, and Guest Lecturers create projects, research and develop new tools and offer courses that provide new perspectives on how technology shapes our relation to the world, to others and—most importantly—ourselves. Experimentation is encouraged. Recent student projects have included aspects of ethnography, experimental art, data visualization, animation, oral history, and narrative VR.

This new concentration will accelerate aspiring creators’ understanding of dominant emerging technologies including virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence. The MA in Film & Media program at Johns Hopkins University is the first Film & Media degree in the country to offer a full curriculum dedicated to Immersive Storytelling & Emerging Technologies.